
What is it?

This is a custom plugin for Gradle to support managing an Artifactory server. It provides the following features.

  • Deletion of module versions (typically from an "integration" or "snapshot" repository).

    • Deleting module versions from multiple different repositories with different credentials.

    • Deletion rules according to the age of the module versions age.

    • Clear logging of what was deleted.

    • Option to show what would be deleted, without really deleting.

Example build script

Here is an example build script.

buildscript {
    gplugins.use "artifactory-manager:7.2.5"

artifactoryManager {
    server "https://artifactory-server.example-corp.com/artifactory/"

    repository("first-repo") {
        username "user1"
        password "password1"
        delete {
            olderThan 3, "months"

    repository("second-repo") {
        username "user2"
        password "password2"
        delete("org:foo") {
            olderThan 14, "days"

    repository("third-repo") {
        username "user3"
        password "password3"
        delete("org:moduleA,org:moduleB,org:moduleC") {
            olderThan 2, "weeks"
            keepOneBuildPer 1, "week"

The above script does not show it but you can use the my-credentials-plugin to get the username and password for each repo from the Windows Credential Manager, instead of putting them in the script, which is not secure.

This build-script will define a task called cleanupArtifactory. When invoked it will:

  • identify all artifacts in first-repo which are at least 3 months old;

  • identify all artifacts in second-repo for the org:foo module which are at least 14 days old;

  • identify all artifacts in third-repo for the three specified module which are at least 2 weeks old;

  • for each module (i.e. collection of versioned artifacts) it will avoid deleting the most recent of these artifacts if deletion would have resulted in no artifacts remaining;

  • for the modules org:moduleA, org:moduleB and org:moduleC it will keep one build per week (keeping the same version number in all three modules);

  • delete all necessary artifacts, using the specified credentials;

  • print log output describing what is deleted and why.

DSL Guide


This is the top-level script block to contain all configuration.


This method configures the plugin with the URL for the Artifactory server.

→ Call this method exactly once.


This method sets the default username for accessing all repositories. Each repository block can override it for a specific repository if necessary.

→ Call this method at most once.


This method sets the default password for accessing all repositories. Each repository block can override.

→ Call this method at most once.



This block defines deletion rules for a specific repository. The block method takes one argument, a string which is the name of the repository where module versions should be deleted.

→ You can define any number of these blocks.


This method sets the username for accessing this specific repository.

→ Call this method at most once.


This method sets the password for accessing this specific repository.

→ Call this method at most once.


This block defines a deletion rule for the repository. Each deletion rule is applied separately. For example, suppose you have two rules, one saying "delete all versions older than 1 week", and another saying "delete all versions older than 3 months". In this case, all versions older than one week will be deleted by the first rule, even though the second rule would keep versions newer than 3 months ago.

→ You can define any number of these blocks. If you do not define at least one, nothing will be deleted from the repository by your script.


This method specifies a "cut-off" period for deletion. It takes two arguments, a number and a unit. The unit can be day/days, week/weeks, month/months, or year/years.

The block will delete some or all versions older than this amount of time, and keep all versions which were published at or after that point. For example, if the date is 28th February, then olderThan 2, "weeks" means "delete versions published on or before 14th February".

→ Call this method exactly once. If you do not call this method, no module versions will be deleted by this delete block.


This method also specifies a number and a unit. It means that the rule should keep some versions from before the cut-off period.

→ Call this method at most once.


This method takes a regular expression as an argument. Versions are only deleted if they match the time-period rules and the version string matches this regular expression.

→ Call this method at most once.


This method takes a version string. That version will not be deleted, even if it matches the other rules.

→ Call this method any number of times.

If you have more than one delete block, you need to call this method with the same arguments in each block. Otherwise, one block may keep the version, but another may delete it.



This task will:

  • for all repository sections:

    • identify all artifacts which are older than the specified;

    • for each module (i.e. collection of versioned artifacts) it will avoid deleting the most recent of these artifacts if deletion would have resulted in no artifacts remaining for that module;

    • delete all necessary artifacts, using the specified credentials;

  • print log output describing what is deleted and why.


This task will do the same as cleanupArtifactory except that no delete command will be sent to the server.